About us

What we do

At Gungnir of Norway, we want to give lifters, athletes and gym-goers the best workout experience possible. We dedicate our time and efforts to making our own bars using only the best materials and production methods while also adding our own touch to the design. Because we believe a product as simple as a bar can be a piece of art, and not only a tool for working out.

A collar-free world

Our vision is to create a collar-free world, one gym at a time. By paving our way towards becoming a world leading manufacturer of free weight equipment, our reach is expanding to all corners of the world. Everywhere, gyms and gym chains are transitioning to collar-free gyms and becoming part of a global community. And this is just the beginning. We are committed to continuously innovating and pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in the
world of fitness, with an increasingly diverse product portfolio

The spear of Odin

“Gungnir” (pronounced “GUNG-neer”) originates from Norse mythology, and is the name of the spear that belongs to the god Odin. As you can expect for the weapon of a god, Gungnir is no ordinary spear –  much like our bars. We take pride in referencing a bit of history, while creating products that stand out among their peers.

Our green way

We strive to create durable, high quality products. When we build our equipment to last, we contribute to less waste, less transport and quite simply a different mentality towards waste. When you often hear “Buy two, get three”, we say “buy one, and get three times the lifespan”. For that reason, we make products that require little maintenance, and we encourage our customers to take care of them throughout their lifetime. Care and respect for our surroundings and the things we use is key to minimize the impact we make on our home planet. This is the way.

Gungnir HQ

Stanseveien 18
0975, Oslo, Norway